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To get started with LiveXLive on Apple TV:
- On your Apple TV, open the App Store app and select the Search section.
- Search for LiveXLive and select the app from the results.
- Select Install to add the LiveXLive channel to your Apple TV.
- Select the LiveXLive app, then select Gear Icon once the app loads.
- Click on Sign In
- Scan the QR code from a phone, or go to on your computer or phone browser and enter the code that appears on screen.
If you cannot complete the activation using the QR code or wish to just log in normally, you can select Or sign in directly and then type in your LiveXLive username/password within the app.
- From the channel home screen, select Search.
- Type in the station, artist or song name you are looking for, and select from the displayed search results.
Once you have logged into your account, My Library will appear at the top of the channel. This section will include your recently played content as well as your favorite stations, artists and songs available for easy access.
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