LiveXLive stations can contain up to four fine tune sliders. Changing these sliders from their default setting will remove certain types of music from being selected on your station.
Note: Not all Fine Tune settings will be available for all stations. Fine Tune sliders missing from your station means that option is not available to be changed on that particular station.
Increases or decreases the likelihood songs you have marked as favorites on the station will play on the station
Artist Discovery
Increases or decreases the priority that LiveXLive places on choosing a related artist instead of a selected artist.
Song Popularity
Changes the popularity of songs allowed on the station. When set to default (middle position), this allows an even mix of popular/non-popular music to play on your station. When set to the right (+) side, this will remove less popular songs from the station, causing only popular songs to play. When set to the left (-) side, this will remove popular songs from the station, causing only non-popular songs to play.
Changes the portion of an artist's career that a song will be selected from. When set to default (middle position), this allows an even mix of new and old music to play on your station. When set to the right (+) side, this will remove older songs by the artist from the station, causing only newer songs to play. When set to the left (-) side, this will remove newer songs by the artist from the station, causing only older songs to play.
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